School Times
Bell Times
Dismissal from Before School Assembly Area ------------------ 8:30am
Learning Begins ------------------------------------------------ 8:55am
Morning Break ---------------------------------------10:45am - 11:25am
Afternoon Break --------------------------------------12:55pm - 1:30pm
End of Learning Time ------------------------------------------ 3:00pm
The school grounds are not supervised until 8:30a.m. The duty teacher begins playground supervision at that time, and the pedestrian crossings on Porchester Road and Walters Road will be patrolled and supervised from 8:30am to 8:55am. Ākonga/Learners who arrive before 8:30am must sit outside Rooms Waka Haumako 2 and 3.
Learning begins at 8:55am and finishes at 3:00pm. Ākonga/Learners arriving late at school must report to the office before going to class.
No ākonga/learner is allowed to remain in the school grounds after 3:10pm unless:
They are taking part in an organised practice supervised by a teacher or
Attend after school care with BizzyBodz or
Prior arrangements have been made with the Principal and/or the Office.