Integrated Inquiry
In Integrated Inquiry, Papakura Normal School ākonga will develop and enhance inquiry skills through a variety of contexts and concepts/understandings within the Science, Social Sciences and Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum. Ākonga will have the opportunity to inquire into these concepts, using the skills and knowledge from all curriculum areas, which will lay a foundation for becoming responsible citizens and life-long learners.
Ākonga will use the information they find to problem solve, think critically and creatively and take action. They will express their learning through cross curriculum areas and e-learning. The multiculturalism of New Zealand and our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi will be embedded in the Integrated Inquiry Curriculum.
At Papakura Normal School, we use an Inquiry Model that is based on a Waka Journey. Our Rōpū Kei (Y1-3) ākonga follow a simplified model and our Rōpū Waenga (Y4-6) & Ihu (Y7/8) ākonga use the full model.
Examples of each term's learning and Rich Tasks will be uploaded to our website.
Our Waka Journey
Foundation Model - Years 1 to 3 (Rōpū Kei)
Our Waka Journey
Full Model - Years 4 to 8 (Rōpū Waenga & Ihu)